Thursday, March 12, 2009

Young People Have Destroyed Music

So it ain't say?! Here's the short, but to the point, article called iPods and Young People Have Utterly Destroyed Music by Matt Buchanan. Following is an excerpt that sums it up too -

In other words, younger people haven't just grown more tolerant of thin, soulless MP3 renditions of their favorite music, they actually like them. Shitty MP3s, even. O'Relly Radar quotes Professor Berger as saying that it's the "sizzle sounds" that people are loving because it's what they're comfortable with. So, yes Virginia, iPods really have killed music. People aren't just ignorant of high quality audio, they actually hate it. Gee, thanks for contributing to the downfall of civilization, Apple. Music is dead, everyone, carry on.

I have no doubt that he is correct as I relate this to those terrible songs they play on the radio, though they play them enough times that eventually you become dull to the nausea and might actually end up tapping your toe to the beat, possibly even sing along.

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